Personal Development Projects
Maya: Tutorial
In Maya I started following a tutorial by 'Game Dev Academy' to create a sorcerers desk/room. To start I modelled two walls with beams going all the way round.
To create the desk I modelled individual cubes into the planks of wood for the table top and the beam underneath. For the legs I used a template provided by the tutorial for a 'table leg' then modelled the cross out of simple geometry, for added detail. I then combined all the geometry to create one asset.
Next I made a window out of cube geometry and infilling the spaces removed around the window frame.
Low-Poly Character Modelling
Overall more confident with what types of geometry to use for the individual body parts and merging them together. Using vertexes to manipulate the shapes to fit the templates. Following body shape and proportions. However, when making the feet I somehow created a hole in each of the toes which I couldn’t figure out how to fix, despite my efforts. I also noticed at the end that the seam where the two halves of the body join, do not seem to be aligned properly, which I would re-do upon reflection. This is an area that needs more practice as well as extruding which I struggled with.
Tire Model
Here I tried sculpting my first tire model, following a tutorial on Youtube to gather the basic knowledge. I am quite happy how this one turned out, though I think the edges could possibly be rounded off cleaner and the rim around the tire lower down to be more realistic. In the video clip I also kept in my struggles/mistakes to see the journey towards the finished product. The first struggle was aligning the cylinder so that I could work in the side viewport.
Basic Mug
Modelling a mug using Maya.
Learned the extrude tool and edge loop tool.
Created the rim around the base of the mug for more realism.
I made a mistake which resulted in a 'chip-like' feature on the mug which I think was by an accidental edge loop.
Overall result is good if the 'chip' was fixed next time.
In a class tutorial we were taken through the steps on how to make this house hold iron into a scorpion. Starting with a cube to model the body of the appliance and extruding the faces. Then editing the vertices allowed me to make the more curved shape. For the tail cylinder polygons were shaped, extruded and duplicated on top of each other. For the spike at the end of the tail another cylinder was used and extruded to make the spiky elements. The legs and feet were made up of a cube, 2 spheres and 2 cylinders to create joints. Once put together I then added some materials such as plastic for the irons body and chrome for the feet and tail. A background from PolyHaven was also imported into the scene.